At its core, it simply lets you print a specific HTML element. 其核心是让您能够打印一个特定的HTML元素。
Analysts say Yahoo's core business should be valued at around four to six times 2014 Ebitda& more like a print media asset. 分析师们说,雅虎的核心业务价值约为2014年息税折旧摊销前收益的四到六倍――更类似于平面媒体的估值。
The construction of personal Chinese word stock is the core of personal print and display output of Chinese information and the normal scheme of construction of standard word stock is not suitable for it. 个性化中文字库构造是个性化中文信息打印显示输出实现的核心,目前标准化字库构造的常规方案不适合个性化字库的构造。
No. 10 Hangar is the core part, and can satisfy the requirement of the maintenance of three broad body aircrafts and the print of one broad body aircraft simultaneously. 其中10号机库是该工程的核心部分,建成后能够达到同时满足三架宽体飞机维修和一架宽体飞机喷漆维修的使用要求。
Data communications system is part of the core digital presses, to complete the PC real-time image data processing, data buffering, data transmission, coordination of print head control. 数据传输系统是数字印刷机通信部分的核心,要完成上位机图像数据实时处理、数据缓冲、数据传输、协调喷头打印控制等功能。
It can finish the measurement of certain depth and orientation core, and print out the depth and the natural gamma curve of the corresponding depth core. 能在钻井现场完成岩芯定深定向测量,并能打印出对应井深深度的岩芯自然伽玛曲线。
Planning and management function module is this the core of the system function module, including the production plan and production material purchasing plan single management, inquiry and print, and other functions, and production plan lock function. 计划和管理功能模块是本系统的核心功能模块,包括生产计划单和生产资料采购计划管理、查询、打印等功能,以及生产计划锁定功能。
It is human resource that was the core competition strength of the print media. 人才是报业的核心竞争力。
Should be noted that the core of this paper is the paper-cut form of print ads, the image characteristics of paper-cut, visual aesthetic, thinking, modeling, modeling techniques and other more in-depth study. 需要指出的是本文研究的核心是剪纸形式的平面广告,所以对剪纸的意象特征、视觉审美、造型思维、造型技法等有较深入的研究。
With the language of the core as the print culture has given way to the visual culture with the image as the core. 以语言文字为核心的印刷文化已经让位于以图像为核心的视觉文化。
Application shows that the equipment can measure the depth and the corresponding depth core gamma value and print out the core gamma curve, and the result can match the logging curve well. 应用表明,该仪器可快速准确地测量出对应井深的岩芯伽玛曲线,并且与测井现场的仪器测量曲线匹配良好。